So I had an idea.
Then, after I ate that Arby’s, I thought of another idea. Taylon has ruined both the webcomic and Flash movie scenes, so why not ruin the Internet browser game scene? INTERNET BROWSER GAMES RUINED FOREVER THINK ABOUT IT OKAY STOP
As the title of this thread indicates, I started thinking about a Taylon RPG game for the Internets platform. You’re probably questioning how similar this is going to be like Kingdom of Loathing, and the answer is: the Taylon game would most likely be much like that, but with more pictures. PICTURES AND COLORS DISTRACT YOU FROM THINGS THINK ABOUT IT OKAY STOP
Basically, you would be able to choose from a number of characters, for example Taylon, Brick, or the Trotsky Orb, and you could live out your wildest fantasies of having silly-looking enemies kill them all off. Or, you could have your character actually defeat the enemies if you wanted. I guess. You’d get your standard RPG stats like HP and STR and all that other nerdy crap the kids seem to like, as well as craaazy weapons and items to equip and use. ITEMS THAT ARE CRAZY CONFUSE YOUR BRAIN THINK ABOUT IT OKAY GO
So I’m asking you lovely forum folk if this is a decent idea or if you would even play something like this, so I know whether or not I should get started on it. I sat down at work and started to build an example of what this game might look like (because fuck doing actual work at work), then drew some stupidly random opponents at home, and I came up with the following:
Battles and such. I am an artist:
<img src=“”>
<img src=“”>
Trotsky Heal 1 is a stupid name for a skill. BUT WILL I CHANGE IT IN THE END???
<img src=“”>
The Trotsky Orb is a stupidface (the awful truth revealed):
<img src=“”>
A terrible map screen:
<img src=“”>
Please post comments or thoughts or suggestions or death threats or whatever, but if you can, place them below this post so I don’t get lost in my own thread.