Impeach Bush?

So did the Tribute/USA Today/CNN consortium. The recounted all the over and under votes.

Ok, what about this: if it’s this close, and there’s this much contention about it, shouldn’t we take the time to determine just who our president is?

The logistics of voting shouldn’t stand in the way of the presidency, and yet, it did, and still does.

Nobody cares, of course, because everyone in this country is politically apathetic.

As much as your country’s politics are full of stupidity, be thankful it’s not full of media spin.

Media spin where the Labour party leak out that one of it’s cabinet ministers is partially brain dead when she doesn’t agree with the Prime Minister. Or media spin which results in a man taking his own life when he’s wrongly blamed for the recent Gulf war.

he ownz the media? is that why a CNN reporter cried when Gore lost? Is that why CNN and MSNBC always run articles against the things bush does? Is that why newsweek only runs opinions against bush and always make fun of the way he talks?

Except for one thing: We couldn’t do it more than we already had.

Three reasons:

  1. We didn’t have the time to go over votes 5, 10, or 20 times.
  2. No standards of how to count votes (dimples? hanging? marked? one? two? three corners off?)
  3. No matter how you call it, it was statistically too close to call. Though logic says that there was a winner or they tied, there were too many variables (among which were dead voters, felon voters, vote disenfranchisement, calling the state too soon, butterfly ballot, etc.) that affected the vote and thus made it simply impossible to OFFICIALLY declare a winner with an exact count of votes.

The Electoral College was created because back in the day, it would have taken too much time, so the president would be brought into office the next year. If you want to make it popular vote go and try to get that amendment added to the constitution, that’s the only way, bitching won’t do shit.

The supreme court is not democratic? It’s a judicial power that makes sure laws aren’t going against the constitution, which the democracy at that time voted for.


Democratic, by the people.

Nobody elects a supreme court justice, they’re simply appointed by the president at his whimsy.

That’s all I meant. I know their function.

Aside from the required Senate approval, yes.

Here’s one you all can stuff in that Hooka you all pow wowing around. Ross perot For president again and have gore as his running mate. Take that in the Hooka and smoke it.

Don’t forget that whole Florida Fiasco.

Hmm. It’s almost like some blockbuster film!

I’m not sure I want to. You’ve obviously been using it a lot to get that idea in your head…

We could always get bozo the clown to run for next yrs Pres, canidate and maybe if we can talk him into Ronald McDonald could be his running mate? :rolleyes:


Vote for the Awful party in 2004!

hordes Bozo the Clown film reel

… Gimme that Chris… How did you get into my film Vault ? :lol: