Geez Kirel fine I'll post your AIM messages, please stop firing your ion cannon at me

Dragon I heard you were a mark would you care to sign this petition to get WWE to fire Smackdown GM Teddy Long?

Breaking news

Only if you take his place!

Speaking of AIM conversations:

thebextar: but i am really my own soverign nation
thebextar: with a drinking age of negative 12
Weasel461: ah
Weasel461: so the embryos drink?
thebextar: indeed

Thats my kind of nation!

Keep up the good work thebextar!

Not that I want to injerject my own position here, but I want to clarify some of the issues in this <strike>stupid</strike> gun control debate.

Excepting rape and murder, Britain far outpaces the United States in frequency of every other major crime category. And what’s more, these differences pretty much stem from the adoption of the gun ban.

In the two years after the handgun ban (1997), the use of handguns in crime rose by 40 percent. Over the course of 2001, London gunpoint robbery increased by 53 percent.

The mugging rate in London is six times that of New York. Assault, robbery, and burglary are more common. In England, 53 percent of robberies happen when someone is home. In America, it’s 13 percent (I wonder why).

Over all the same time periods, the US crime rate has been decreasing. I will be the first to admit that it makes little sense to compare American crime rates to British crime rates in most cases, since with or without guns, murder rates would still be higher in the United States. That’s just how it goes and there’s no fixing that. Examining trends within countries, though, really calls a lot of “gun control has been a smashing success for Britain” rhetoric into doubt.

Okay, sorry to intrude. Won’t happen again.


America’s citizens had plenty of guns. Sure did us alot of good when Islamic extremists blew up people at our door, right?

“Hey, Islamic extremists are flying planes into some buildings!”
“Let’s use our guns to shoot the planes down and thus save everyone.”
“Good thing we are not in the U.K. where we would have surely perished.”

Pretty sure I heard that conversation on 9/11…


I know this conversation is fake because it has an American proposing to save people. Here is what would have really occurred:
“Hey, Islamic extremists are flying planes into some buildings!”
“Let’s use our hands to reach into people’s pockets while they are distracted by the explosions and thus take their wallets.”
“Good thing we are not in the U.K. where we would have surely been unwilling to enrich ourselves in a time of disaster.”

I enjoy shooting planes with my 12-gauge, nothing ever happens though.

Terrible management of gun control is increasing handgun crimes in Canada. Hunting rifles are now as hard to get as handguns, so most people just opt to get the handgun instead. Way to be, PM PM, way to be.

I’m glad this country has more guns than people.

That means in a few years there will be more guns than zombies.

And that’s a winning ratio.


In California you have to be 21 to purchase a handgun but only 18 to purchase a rifle or shotgun. So you can purchase a more damaging weapon then get one you can hide at 21. SAFE!

There’s no point in owning a handgun. None. Yet I come from an area where hunting is a town activity, so I shouldn’t say anything :smiley:

Except ofcourse for defending ourselves from terrorists!

Well, I assumed that everyone knew that. Since terrorists are so likely to come to our homes and kill us. They’d never go after large numbers of people in the public. And also, make sure that you have a plan in case terrorists go to your next baseball game and start killing people. You KNOW they will go after the isolated locations as well, so if you live in a hilltown (as I do), you’re in big trouble!

Can’t British people just scare the terrorists away with shouts of “Oy” and other random hooliganry?

If terrorists ever went to Canada, they’d get confused by the numerous people saying “Eh?” to them.

Except for, you know, self defense. Or because YOU FUCKING WANT ONE.

Did you know that shooting people with guns is illegal? Really, even in the United States of Evil Hillbilly Rednecks Who Are Coming To Steal Your Money, Your Babies, And Your Prescription Drugs!

That’s absurd! If I want to prey on Christian babies, their crazy parents will shoot me. All that’s stopping me from feasting on sweet babyflesh is the ability of red-blooded Americans to shoot me in the face on sight. That is why I hide in my Liberaljewcave instead of venturing into the harsh light of the God-fearing free-market sun.