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Hooray, some jackass’s phone keeps ringing On Wisconsin and they are not answering it. I like On Wisconsin, but not in grainy beeps.

Oh, did I mention that I’m turning this thread into my very own E/N site/online journal?

Mood: gnostic

Comments (1 of 1):

xxHurlyGurlyxx - luv ya lots kbv <3 <3 <3

(pps sign my guestbok lol :))

this girl i like likes this guy who has a fixation on retarded smileys :frowning:

mood: nauseous

yeah, that’s burn, guy
you’d think she’d have better taste

Your challnege is end.
This time, your record was 1 answers.
Your result has been recorded.

damn, I got one wrong…

<a href=“” target=_blank>Great news for the Trotsky</a>!

<img src=“”>

I hope they all explode from fats.

Hahahhahahaha, I hate you, Roms!

thats heavy


Did you ever notice when you’re traveling inside a flying airplane, just how high off the ground you really are? My uncle did not realize this, and he stepped off the plane while it was flying and fell down to the ground.


All your posts are a damn lie!

We all hate you!

I dont hate roms, he has taylon on his site. good.

<img src=“”><img src=“”><img src=“”><img src=“”><img src=“”><img src=“”><img src=“”><img src=“”><img src=“”><img src=“”>
Maybe someone will join the D2 stupidity if I post this image:

Do you guys have Crispix in your country, if so they are the greatest cerial in the planet, if arbys made cerial, this would be it.

I got an n-gage today, alas I am a consumer whore.

not BAD, navnt really played with it yet. (Still trying to connect it to my friggin computer, lousy USB)

its a little like holding a taco to your ear when you phone people though, little funny to get used to, you have to hold it on its side… weird

see yaz

You forget the Crunch, Cap’n Crunch

we do not have captain crunch in Australia… so I cannot comment either direction on that