Mind control is more amusing, because you can tell people to hit themselves in the face with steel objects. Plus, you get to talk like Yuri, and say things like, “Your mind is weak.”
More amusing still is using your minions to get stuff. And power. Stuff + power + minions = good fun
Yuri may have fun sayings, but I enjoy the tank destroyers more:
“Nothing left but junk”
“Deutchland’s finest”
“Not a tank I can’t break”
I am victory.
My SAT scores just came back. I’m running dual 800s.
Damn, shut up. I got a 650 math and 720 verbal, so I’m gonna try again.
What are these tests that begin with “S”? 'Round here, our tests begin with “M” and “A”
Do not mention the test of ‘A’. It owned, defeated, crushed and triumphed over me. No wonder it is so hellish, it is made in Iowa.
Ha Ha you were defeated by a test made in Iowa, home of corn and nothing else?
Home of KBV’s defeat!
And many other forms of standardized testing!
I suggest everyone on this forum go to CDnow and order it immediatley, especially Gil.
Hmmm… it would seem that not all tests are bad. Here I have some test questions a friend of mine wrote for history class. Some of the more savory ones:
Do you smite:
a. frequently b. sometimes c. rarely -
Trotsky was:
a. communist b. Marxist c. Russian -
How many lives did Rasputin have?
Lenin became the ruler of Russia in 1917.
Discuss the pros and cons of something in the space provided below:
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck under Stalin’s 5-year plan?
Do you believe in love? Give three examples from Russian history.
Fill in the blank: “Oh say, can you see ___ the dawn’s early light…”
Do you have:
a. not enough mojo b. just enough mojo c. too much mojo -
Now we’re cookin’ with butane?
Send your answers to vaska0@yahoo.com and I’ll select a winner at random to not recieve fabulous prizes.
[edit]Special extra credit question: describe the reign of Ivan the Terrible in one word. In Russian.[/edit]
I have taken your test…I think I did well, due to my knowledge of things Soviet.
Translation from Russian: I’m a BIG FAG!
I have also taken the test. I know I will make a whopping 0% correct because I answered all of the questions correctly.
Pip gets a 0%, but that’s only because he called Catherine the Great a whore. I’m sure there’s some kind of correct answer somewhere in the mess he sent me, but I’m not going to go looking for it.
What about the Trotsky? How did I do?
Originally posted by KBV
Pip gets a 0%, but that’s only because he called Catherine the Great a whore. I’m sure there’s some kind of correct answer somewhere in the mess he sent me, but I’m not going to go looking for it.
It was only to prove a point. But she did have something to do with horses though.
And I should get bonus points for my answer to Q#10.
Originally posted by Pipian
[B]It was only to prove a point. But she did have something to do with horses though.
And I should get bonus points for my answer to Q#10. [/B]
That was a rumor spread by her political enemies after her death. And yes, you should get bonus points, but you do not. Y’all.