I hope you are happy. Despite having a ruined life I am also happy, and have a very large penis.
Do not think my large penis was a result of you ruining my life. It was in fact a direct result of my life being ruined, therefore I spent a lot of time clicking penis enlargement emails. I wasted my life saving for my large penis, however after all the surgeries, it does not work. I have permanently placed a “Out of Order - Consult Owner” sign on it. It is useless and I am about to be evicted and become a vagrant.
Now that I am a very well endowed vagrant I shall travel around the world with a circus. It is now my dream in life to marry the twin acrobatic midgets that I have been maintaining a E-Relationship with. I also plan to have an affair with the bearded fat lady.
Thank you for ruining my life, as it has allowed me to pursue my true passions in life.
PS: You fucking cocks.
Not a problem good sir, keep that rage burning!
the staff is not responsible for you, we do not babysit adults, even with their freakishly large penises… wait…
So, you’re good smee, you’re good…