Why are mp3's illegal?

I have given all this information to the RIAA.

the RIAA can suck it for all I care. are they gunna sue me for fansubs?

I used to have around 4200 mp3s before my whole corruption fiasco. Now Im back to 2000.

I have like… about 700-800 or so on my drive…

Let’s see… about 20 albums at about 15 tracks a piece… At least anyway. I may have closer to 30 albums. And then there are all of my MP3s on CD. Counting those, I’m well into the thousands.

Haha my mom is so completely paranoid about the RIAA it’s hilarious. She absolutely forbid that I share MP3’s. Whatever.

Sucks to be you.


hehe whatever. I’ll still give to my friends if they want 'em. Doesn’t hurt me any if sharing is turned off of Kazaalite.

The RIAA has to shut down everything to stop sharing.

or arrest the entire U.S. population…

“The RIAA breaks the internet in an attempt to halt illegal file trading. News at 11”


that may actually be the apocalypse.

as of now, i have approx. 30gb of downloads. which includes mp3s, anime fansubs, movies, music videos, etc. i always go out and buy the cd if i really like what i hear. i would do the same with anime, but i’m jobless.

I want one quoteing Shinji from Evangelion.
“Nobody understands me, they should all die.”


Now that’s a good T-shirt.

my cousin was thinking “CHEESE” in bold and everything

Has anyone here considered the RIAA amnesty pleas? I think it’s a bunch of bull crap.