Welcome to out newest member and my budy

catniplove is my buddy from camp and I just want to give him a nice welcome to the forums

Originally posted by MetalStorm
catniplove is my buddy from camp

band camp?

bite me

Originally posted by MetalStorm
bite me

/me bites MetalStorm


suck my balls…no wait you would do it he he he

Once Metalstorm had a pink flute and he would clean it everyday … and HEY ! Watch it let go of me !!!

/me gets dragged off stage … HELP !!!

Drags Leon of Stage…tisk tisk tisk
You don’t need help Its just me taking you away :wink:

/me Looks up AHhh Mooo !!! ^^; (Tee hee ) Bai Bai !!

Yea so where is he? Its a thread about him, when’s he gonna show up? Don’t make us put leon back out on the stage!

I went to camp once. It was in 6th Grade. It was then that I realized that I loathe large groups of men, and completely defined my heterosexuality. If I could have gone and lived with the girls side of the camp…I would have.

Not because I look forward to knitting and crafts, but because the guys all started to stink after 2 days, and they were in the 6th grade, so they were all mongoloids to begin with.

Plus two of them couldn’t stop crying due to missing their mommies. How pitiful is that?

Ehh, another story with no point.

… how rare indeed,

wtf is that?

Looks like an image to me. What else would you think it is?

i am happy to see that this thread has become a place to post useless crap

maybe thats because your new friend hasnt posted here yet…

Originally posted by MetalStorm
i am happy to see that this thread has become a place to post useless crap
And its our fualt your friend’s a lazy **** that he just leaves us hanging here with NOW Stale champene and rotten caviar… He’ll be getting my catering bill I’ll to you that much !!!

Originally posted by Weasel
Looks like an image to me. What else would you think it is?
Aren’t you funny…

I agree totally!

It’s amusing that Leon attaches the image of himself as a cartoon character. In that cartoon, he is depicted as a worthless scribble that can’t spell or complete a sentence. So, by using that image, Leon is admitting that he is a worthless scribble that can’t spell or complete a sentence.