Yes just one more ploy to get someone to be a necromancer.
Hahahaha… I know nothing about all this Diablo geekiness, but this post is pure genius!
And so helpful!
I declare hijack on this thread…
…you gay D2 fanboys.
I resent the association you’re making here. It makes me look bad.
I have:
19.6 Gb of Movies
20.3 GB of MP3s
18.6 GB of pictures (no porn)
18.0 GB of random programs and patches
45.3 GB of video media, TV shows and vid clips
ohh, hey aaron, you still coming up???
I have 4 working computers now, so we can all play games, dave I suggest you brong your copy of D2 and some DOOM, YES DOOM, and maybe Empire Earth or something… for rainy days
Hey, that’s not very… uh… hey I’m-a telekinesis at you.
you talkin’ jDoom, Doom95, or DOS Doom over a null-modem cable?
I’m guessing 95.
Doom 95 is implied because that is all we ever played over a network
You should try jDoom. It’s a 3d openGL accelerated Doom engine. Imagine Doom at 1600x1200… mmmm…
I will bring d2.
Where do you get this JDOOM???
and a stick to poke Johnson with?
Doom95 does not like my mouse and is limited to 640x480. Thus, an alternative was needed and jDoom was found. I think it might have been related to the GLDoom (DoomGL?) project, but I’m not sure… Anyway, jDoom is greatness.
EDIT: It also has mouse look! You can look up and down in Doom!
Um…I think I’m still coming up.
I hope your John Nancarrow sized logical mind didn’t equate my inability to communicate with you for the past two weeks as a sign that I wouldn’t be showing up at Tech.
Because that would be just…well, just fucktardly of you.
I thought jDoom was a DOOM Java port?
I was just going on the fact that your car is on fire right now
I’m driving a different car up to tech, and my olds is fine as fine can be.