That cannon looked like a giant penis. The sun, a giant yellow vag. KBV must be some kind of people shaped cum.
Some kind of new super evolved sperm, which has arms and legs in order to penetrate the egg.
<font size=“4”><b>GAH.</b></font>
Well, the whole thing took quite a bit of time, but here it is:
I decided to make it a guest strip because it was mostly made by people that are not me.
All frames are labeled so you know who to yell at.
omg excellence.
Dag Yo
That wasn’t as awesome as I expected, but I’m partly to blame.
It still rules, though.
Wow, that is terribly random
That’s the best fucking Taylon ever.
We’ve got to do that again.
<strike>my favorite part is the grand finale</strike> Sandskörnchen
I like how John’s frame took a week to do.
Next time, let’s have it go around twice.
This will make for double the Taylon goodness.
It will also take 120 times as long.
Hey, finding a screenshot with that box in it was very tough. My fingers still hurt from typing all of the google image searches.
<a href=“”><strike>lies</strike></a> <a href=“”>lies</a>.
John…not Jon.
I second Oblivion’s motion.
I second that emotion.
Back field in motion?
What’s all the commotion?