Peekabo I see you, and I KNOW what you do

Can you cast magic missile?

Can you cast magic missile?

You should totally cast a magic missile at him!

It’s tek missile you big crazy!


I’m attacking the darkness!

He eats lightning and stores it in his shell.

Theres an elf infront of you. WOOOOOOOOhhhh!!! He’s tall and has blue eyes. No, I have grey eyes… I know on my sheet it says blue, but I want grey.

You’re my hero!!!




And for good measure




Now lets see what creeps up.

No, funny catching you here, babe! :wink:

You still have my phone number, right?

Why would ANYONE want your phone number???

I’ve seen sexier things in depends Rav. Indeed I have

No need to get all jealous about it, I mean it’s not Rav’s fault everyone loves him!

For the amazing free sex I provide! I don’t charge, like I suspect you do.

Where’s depends? I want to go to depends.

I believe De Pends is a town in France outside Paris. You do not want to go there.


I thought Leon was here.

But he’s not.

Off I go to flagellate myself then.

Leon got banned a while ago.

So are you posting from your work or did you finally get an internet connection again?

work, well

the place I go to to stare at the screen until i go have some lunch, then send free text messages all afternoon while browsing the webernet until about half four or five

they pay you for it you know.

Am still in a state of shock at the lack of Leon. I may turn to drugs. They are just to my left.

Well I can see how it must be very tramatic to find leon doesn’t post here any more but if its any consolation the portent forums are back up (although run by someone else).

the real Portent or them warcry ones where everyone seems to just say how broken everything is and that they dont play anymore but still post about how broken everything is. And then they say things are broken.

and yes.


I feel somehow like I know what it is to be Swamp Thing. Obscure that. But nonetheless true.

Jings, Crivvens and dare i say it, help me boab.


You so crazy.