Oh no Terri Shiavo is almost dead

If there was Arby’s in the feeding tube, it would have reversed the brain damage, and soon after she would have appeared on camera and done a jig! Come on, don’t doctors know these things??


How can you be sure? Large portions of her brain were dead spots, but other parts were still intact. Were the portions of the brain that respond to pain and fear completely wiped out?

Haven’t you seen the episode of the Crypt Keeper where a neurologist was studying the brain’s functionality after death, and then he dies and becomes a cadavre for a med school and he’s still able to see and feel as the med students cut his skull open to study his brain? I imagine it’s probably like that…

E-ALERT: 700 Club reports that Terri Schiavo was months away from being rehabed to the point of talking, and walking from the bed to the wheelchair!!

E-ALERT! E-ALERT!! Christians still lying to themselves about everything!

E-ALERT: 700 Club reports that Terri Schiavo was months away from being rehabed to the point of talking, and walking from the bed to the wheelchair!!

E-ALERT! E-ALERT!! Christians still lying to themselves about everything!

They did that quite a lot. One time it was pretty much the same thing only it wasn’t medical, it was intrigue and betrayal. The punchline was that the guy and girl who killed the main character end up trying to kill each other while his corpse is in the truck. The man finally shoots the girl dead, but a stray bullet shatters the corpse’s spine, making his torso fall over towards the hand brake. The truck plows into the guy, and he dies. And this makes the main cadaver happy.