These days it seems more websites are made to sell ad revenues than they are to sell products or provide services. Sometimes I want to slap their web monkeys, but I know that they don’t get the banana unless their overlords are pleased. And the overlords aren’t pleased unless they’ve sucked out every dollar from a page view and generally pissed me off.
(not in order)
#1 - making a short news article into a 5 page click-fest to drag out page views
#2 - using javascript that pops up an ad no matter where on the page you click, even on empty space
#3 - anyone still using realmedia format to stream their content
#4 - Myspace timewarp to 1997 (can’t blame the site for that, but I’m trying)
#5 - flash sites that shouldn’t be flash, surrounded by moving flash ads
Got any to ad to the list?