Just so you know, we still have an IRC server up. The address is irc.psx-dude.net or pipian.dyndns.org (ports 6667/7000). So if you wanna come by and chat, you can hang around #chat.
Just so you know, we still have an IRC server up. The address is irc.psx-dude.net or pipian.dyndns.org (ports 6667/7000). So if you wanna come by and chat, you can hang around #chat.
I don’t know whats going on in your server, last time I was on it was just chat and now its a big anime rpg place and everyone was like HELLO DRAGON-SAN SUGOI HAI WOULD YOU LIKE SOME TEA ^_^;;;;;;;;;; :crying:
To be fair I did join the #magicalsailorfuku room (Since it had the most people in it), but anyhow are they any in perticular room where you guys hang out in?
#chat mainly, i’ve never been in those other rooms, pip invited them. actually i went in there once and told them the server was going down.
10:06 [psx-dude] -!- Irssi: Looking up irc.psx-dude.net
10:06 [psx-dude] -!- Irssi: Connecting to irc.psx-dude.net [] port
10:06 [psx-dude] -!- Irssi: Unable to connect server irc.psx-dude.net port 6667
[Connection refused]
Is it the lack of identd or something? Bah.
Dude, your server is still down.
I feel like I’m talking to a cave, but, any interest in bringing the IRC server back up? Anyone still use IRC for daily chatting?
Someone on the main page asked about that recently as a matter of fact.
That’s a yes to irc, coming from me.
Are you going to set it up Chris?
I already did. The following should work:
I’ll be setting up services sometime this week so it may go up and down depending…
IRC is setup – Services are setup!
Temporary IRC Webclient setup: http://www.technobadger.com:9090/
Needs additional configuration though, but should work right now. Max nick length is 9 so I think I need to change that on the ircd.
No channels, and no people that I could find.
17:00 [psx-dude] -!- Channel Users Name
17:00 [psx-dude] -!- End of /LIST
I had completely forgot about the irc server, beginning idle mode…
Idle mode continues. Day 14 after retrieving services. I guess its become a test of my connection?
I just found this program called KVIrc and it works on windows, and its free! http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/kvirc_portable
Is it back in operation?
ping pong on the IRC Gong