Since suffice to say that I’m willing to say anything to anybody, anytime, anywhere, yeah I’m interested.
I did my own net Radio station thru for like 3 yrs before they sttarted charging me for it. Must say it does rock when you can say you own your own station and go do what ya want with it.
I am now currently wondering about virtual girl…both the experience she has with such matters, and why no one has yet said hello to her. Glances around, annoyed.
Welcome to PSX, vg.
I remember back before the government sucked, when you could broadcast music without paying royalties to the undeserving RIAA. how the times change.
I used to dj via RealAudio for WBAT Internet Radio around 94, great times.
The Democrats think taxes are the solution to improving the nation. I blame them for such bills and resolutions.
now that i have more time i am getting serious about starting the radio station. I just need a good little program like shoutcast_serv for linux that will let me specify a directory of mp3s to play when nobody is djing that also has stats so i can make a script for this website on songs and djs and stuff. anyone?
compiling now, lets see how it works!
Thats extra funny now since I and the Esc online team have been playing with Icecast 2.0 for the past couple of months… Any issues yet PSX? Let me know if you get hung up on anything…
ices2 somehow crashed, but otherwise, it was working splendidly.
RESSURECTION IS AFOOT!??!?!?!?4&**%():{:>
Must be out of the loop, here. Resurrection of what?
I’m looking for people to record “promos” for me, which is basically just an announcement.
So if you’d like to record something along the lines of what’s posted below, feel free to do so and post it here, you don’t have to copy it exactly, but just keep the message the same.
You are listening to secondangle dot com internet radio, if you would like your music broadcasted for free over the air, head on over to radio dot secondangle dot com, fill out the form and send us your music! Thank you, and enjoy!