Happy Birthday Padme and many Happy Returns of the Day. I hope you enjoy your 19th Birthday and will share with us what you’ll get .
Yes, happy birthday Padme!
Thanks guys. I feel the love
looks at the two posts
Well I Wuv you, Squall wuvs you more and Eric cartman is just fat… This is My Official 2nd to Last post here on PSX Stay Tuned to the Art Forum for The Last Pic/Post that Leon McNichols willbe posting upon the Hallowed Galleries of Psx.
Please hold your tears and sadness, I go away with achiving what I set out to do almost 4 yrs ago. reaching my 10,000 Post within 5 yrs. It’s been fun to meet and make some new friends even though I made enemies with old friends. Had the rare pleasure of being a moderator for a time. bumping head with few having discussions of animation, gaming, Philosophy and other subjects of noteworthyness. For Others this will be a day of celebration for others they may feel sad, no need Rejoice I have done what I needed to do. Those that know me know exactlly where they can find me. It is time to retire The Mantle of Diety of Spam I guess chris (Psx) would call it, Caio (Walks off to his Artist’s room to make preparations of departing.
Hands Leon a trophy made entirely of spam
Eww… I prefer pizza trophies myself.
Leon you ruined my birthday thread :crying:
that’s ok…I had an awesome bithday weekend.
Soooooooooooooo, what did you get?
hopefully she got “some”
Sorry for not wishing you a happy birthday on any of the forums, what with my spending entire days with you and all, Padme.
Laughs who wants to know what I got for my birthday?
everybody does!
Well, I got a professional massage and I got two dvd’s Anger Management and Finding Nemo and I got a cd Jaci Velasquez. My friends also took me out for dinner.
And some other people took you out for lunch, as well, as I recall.
Oh yeah…hehe…how could I forget. Thanks.
13 years ago and inquirying minds still feel the urge.