
This post has been edited to contain a Futurama quote.

This has been done automatically, so I don’t look like some sort of moron.

Bender: No liquor?? Da svedanya, comrade!

I have no better place to put this, but it’s hilarious and needs to be shared. From the Bernie Mac Show…

Bernie Mac: “If they’re gonna bring out the midgets, we’re gonna bring out the dwarves. Because dwarves are a little bit bigger than midgets. Don’t get mad at me America; that’s science.”

Fry: But Bender, What about the senoritas?

Spanish Guitar Chord

Bender: Vamanos!

Fry and Branigan: Yay! Death by Snoo Snoo!

Kif Sighs

Branigan: What are you gay?

Another non-Futurama:

“45 bucks?! The family Bible didn’t even cost that much, and it was written by Jesus.” - Hank Hill

And again:

“…the 5H Club…” - Marge

“5H?” - Homer

“They had to admit homosexuals.” - Marge

So I noticed Futurama Season 1 is on DVD now.

I must purchase.

[edit: everyone must purchase]

Originally posted by Romsus
[B]So I noticed Futurama Season 1 is on DVD now.

I must purchase.

[edit: everyone must purchase] [/B]

As I already possess the first season of Futurama in pirated form, I am having a dilemma in deciding whether or not to purchase it.

Originally posted by LPFabulous
As I already possess the first season of Futurama in pirated form, I am having a dilemma in deciding whether or not to purchase it.

If you don’t buy the DVDs, then the terrorists have already won.

I received it the day before it was released. I was happy.

Originally posted by ChemBot
If you don’t buy the DVDs, then the terrorists have already won.

Shit, the terrorists have won? I guess I probably should have bought the DVDs. Oh well, I’ll just have to dust off my turban and my Qur’an. Which way’s Mecca?

L’Arabie, c’est ou, dites?

C’est par la, mec!

Character from Pride and Prejudice: “Presenting the most elidible bachelor in town, Mr. Brainsley.”

Gigantic Brain: “I am a gigantic brain!”

“What do you want?”
“I’m here to kick your ass!”
“Wishful thinking. We have long since evolved beyond the need for asses.”

and the best:

“The Big Brain Am Winning Again!”
“I Am The Greetest!”
“Now I Am Leaving Earth For No Raison!”



Zoidberg comes in 2nd in the pet competition


Bender: NEVER!!! begins whipping a whooping Zoidberg

Wait, that no white whale, that gray thinky whale!


Originally posted by aborted_Fetus


actually both are correct, the hypnotoad appeared several times

Bender: Silence you curr! Now puff out that briscuit!

Please excuse the inaccuracies

Bubblegum: But Bender, are you truly funky?

Bender: Yes!

Bubblegum: But look deep inside and ask yourself.

Bender: Well with time

Bubblegum: Bender…

Bender: Disapointed No