Doom 3

The command is

Get ready

Its a shocker

No one would have EVER guessed the command to summon the map editor

The command


… editing



Without quotes of course. Or the exclamation points.

Oh, and its not red either.

i actually found that out. and my window doesn’t resize to my desktop resolution, there has got to be an easier way to get to it.

Its had to have happened.[url=“”]

Has anyone else found the id brick easter egg? You find this brick that has the id logo, go up to it and press it, and it opens up a room with a special PDA in it. On the PDA are emails from all the id software staff thanking you for playing the game, some with inside info on the company and the art staff.

in hell?

nope, it’s [spoiler]on Mars right before the last boss[/spoiler]

ya in hell, ID left their pda down there when they made a deal with the devil to make openGL look so beutifull…