< dies >

Ok, well, back from the WGT realtively well and unharmed, void a sunburn, a 3 hour car ride, a severe lack of sleep, and a viscious hangover… To me, that all means I had a great time… I met a lot of people from around the world, and got some email addresses to keep in touch with them… One of them being a fashion photographer who found out I made all my own clothing for the festival and would like to do some work wit me, so I am pretty happy… I was giddy (the alcohol induced laughter before actual drunkenness) for about 4.5 days and I am paying the price for it now… But hey, this is Leipzig, that only happens once a year… I didn’t get to see all the shows I wanted because of scheduling conflicts, but for 4 days I would say seeing Tiamat, The Gathering, Ikon, Wayne Hussey, Laibach, Love Is Colder Than Death, Qntal, Black Tape For A Blue Girl, Faith And The Muse, The 69 Eyes, Deine Lakaien, Fiddler’s Green, Schandmaul, Letze Instanz, and Subway To Sally was good enough… I wish they hadn’t messed up the schedule for Tenhi, The Eternal Afflict, Chamber, and Xandria… But they all tour often here… So, all in all, I would say I had a great weekend… What about you guys, I havn’t been around much, let me know whats going on…

Nothings happened much around here, exept that tomarrow I’m a graduate.

Good to see ya :slight_smile:

yay Ratti has no more boobs :smiley:

hmmm boobs or KMFDM? ARGH!!!

Yep, I found someone else using this AV so i stole it!

I avoided seeing The Muderdolls and Placebo.

Crap music 0, Rav 2!

You saw some nice bands there. The only one I’ve seen is the Wayne Hussey, but in The Mission.

It was the last date of the same tour I saw in Glasgow, he played all the Mission songs acoustic, but I would really like to see the Mission all togther… Knowing them, next year or so…

Good luck and congrats Ratburn… I’ll get around to graduating sometime soon…

I wish you congrads too :slight_smile:

Lol, you are 6 month early… I sould graduate tomorrow, but I wont because I took time off of school to move to Germany, and now I have to take all my classes through the community college as they are offered online… Oh well, I’ve done so much traveling and seen so many thigs it has taught me more than any text ever could… Thanks for the thought though, lol…

Pics…still waiting for those pics … >_< ;;;;;

wow… I don’t know any of those bands.

All European?

Nope, from all over the world…


There, have pics, there will be more soon, and no, I’m not in any of those, I wasn’t quite drunk enough to take pics of me, however, I was drunk enough to let others do so…

Back in from the Blind Guardian Festival and NES, I think I am going to NES again this weekend, but I don’t think anymore of the month long road trips will happen anytime soon… More pics will be hapening asap, maybe even some of BG, they were amazing btw… I’m death now, so I am going to bed…

Oi The one in The Kilt ! Who be that?

That would be Enno, and I only met him there… Sad story actually, Michael and I had a fight so we went our seperate ways that day, and I lost mom so I went outside to call her and we met up… Just as I was exchanging email addresses with Enno Michael and Markus (a mutual friend) walked up… Innocent it was, but still probably not too good feeling, lol… But concidering were again/still happy I think it turned out ok…

hooray for friends!

Solus? where are you? people are wondering if you are dead or have been in a accident & are in a coma… please reply back?