Diablo 2 Expansion

I’ll probably get it only after it’s gotten old to you all.

I hate you people so much.


C&C Renegades Demo (edit >< ) “[COLOR=magenta]was[/COLOR]” better. IMO


Better what?

lol. i wish i never gave it away now. i’ve been having an urge to play it. damn you all! lol, i’ll just go play single-player…

You could always goto walmart and buy it again. and Yes I editted my last post… ><;;;

Diablo II and Lord of Destruction was on the special offer rack at Game today, so I bouight them both working out at £6.67 each.

I will install and play them after I have cmpleted War Craft III. I’m now on the Night Elves campaign. I should make some time to play it.

Then after “England” beats Rommsia & Trotskivania you’ll post pics of the great battle will you please?

I spend like 2 hours a week playing computer games. It’ll take me a while to finish War Craft III and then even longer for me to get bored enough to install Diablo II.

I only installed Soilder of Fortune II a few weeks ago and I’ve had it since the month it came out.

I also have to play Max Payne, Vietnam: Line of Sight and GTA: Vice City.

i’ll just call my friend and get him to give it back. he only has lod anyways. until then… i wait. i’m going nuts waiting for soul calibur 2 to come out.

That is also where I am. I would play it, but it lags so much I’m actually progressing faster by not playing at all.

Mr. Nagi is correct.

Good thing Im getting the GC version. Heihachi in a SC game is a joke… I seriously dont know what Namco was thinking right there…

I played the demo version at the mall. it is quite awesome, and Voldo is still quite an ass.

But he’s a… uh… yes. I also played the demo. Victory was had.

totally agree with you there. just i’m getting the xbox one. if i want to play as heihachi, i’ll just play tekken4. i’d much rather be spawn.

Does SC have a PC demo yet?

no, SCII is not comming to PC

Well there goes that idea,

Why would anyone want to play a fighting game on PC?

I guess you could get one of tham crazeh PC controllers, but still…