I learned that when people get decapitated and when your head is removed from the body, you are actually concious for and couple of seconds before you finally die. Isn’t that freaky?
To elaborate…
In France they basically decapitated murderers and such well into the 1970s, and some French medical scientist did a test with a criminal who was to be comdemned to the guillotine. After his head was removed, the scientist asked him questions and was to answer with blinking gestures. they asked him if he was alive (in French of course) and he blinked “yes.” they asked him other questions until 15-20 seconds later when he eventually died. shudder
Lol, thats true. You can walk down the street and act like nothings happening but your chest is melting from the inside out due to a corrosive mixture of ammonia and bleach.
That only lasts a little while. Then the person can look at things. And look at things. Then, around twenty-five seconds later, they remember their name was not Jaquille.
That’s totally creepy, but I have problems with it.
Would you really be able to move your eyes and open your mouth and stuff after your brain stem had just been severed from the core of your central nervous system?
According to the internet, it looks like the medula oblongata is the only bit low enough to likely be hit in decapitation.
The internet also says that the medula oblongata does the hearting beating, and the breathing, and some of the mouthing.