Check out my sig!

A dynamically generated image that displays what song I am currently playing in Winamp.

I think its pretty nifty, and if you want your own dynamic sig of fun, I’m sure that you all will be smart enough to figure out how to get one (hint - check the properties of the image)

Why go through all that trouble? My sig is just fine.

Heh wow Smee, whenever you show a new game or cool thing recently, they’re postponing registerations >_<

'twas pretty nifty as well compared to my current sig…

Registration must have just closed, because I’ve had this thing maybe 4 days now… sorry guys :frowning:

you know where we can find anything else like this? search search

Well, seems my account got fucked up, or something, because its giving me nothing but error messages now.

awwww poop