As many of you anime fans know, Cartoon Network co-produced and funded season 2 of the Big O. Without Cartoon Network?s support, there wouldn?t have been a second season of the show. Currently, Cartoon Network has the option to have up to 26 more episodes (2 seasons) of the show made. The future of the show is in jeopardy.
Now is the time for fans of the Big O to act and prove the full measure of their devotion. Cartoon Network must be shown the great viewer support behind the show in order to have the confidence to greenlight a third season. As Roger Smith would say, it?s showtime.
Here is a way to reach Cartoon Network and inform them of your support:
- Send a postcard or letter to Cartoon Network at this address:
Cartoon Network Programming
1050 Techwood Drive
Atlanta, GA 30318
Be sure to be polite and mention these key points:
a. Thank them for season 2 of the Big O.
b. Ask them for a third season.
Postcards are the best idea since snail mail is the greatest show of dedication available to us. Networks may not open sealed envelopes due to fear of anthrax and other mail threats. Envelopes are also sometimes difficult to open and letters can take a long time to read. Postcards, however, can be read quickly, do not pose any sort of threat, and still have the snail mail level of dedication that we need to be taken seriously. However, letters are still a form of contact, so don?t hesitate if you like letters better than postcards.
Please disseminate this information in other forums and message boards and tell all the Big O fans you know. The more people who are informed, the more will write to Cartoon Network, and a large volume of postcards and letters is what we need to be taken seriously. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and good luck.