Random crap

Movie Theater? LOL nah friend’s house Cable Case of Miller and 4 Pizzas with 5 Pcs and Cdrs at full access power. :smiley:

awww but that takes the fun out of it…stupid people to throw pop-corn at …it just to much to pass up…:stuck_out_tongue:

Thats why I rather just see it at my bro’s pad, less poeple to ruin it for others and we get to discuss it while we’re watching it at the same time. Plus we can always rewind…

True…but its fun to throw popcorn at stupid people…plus I get to work on my targeting :smiley:

Well if thats what you want to do … :confused:

why throw popcorn when you could throw jujy fruits or harder stuff?

You just want to pelt them not give them a anyrism.

I am joking…its not my thing to be so mean…it was only once at at a few girls…they were loud and annoying, se we decided to teach them a lesson, they never even figured out it was us;)…they were so smart they started throwinf popcorn at the people infront of them…no that I call stupid, mean and wrong of me prolly…but come on :wink:

Oi Vaska!

I get 5% of the sales profit margin…:smiley:

LOL only 5%…:stuck_out_tongue:
We threw pennies once…but we decided to stop…it was getting expensive:D

I don’t get it…:confused:

but annoying people shouldnt just be pelted they should be smacked upside the head at the least

It’s okies Leon :wink:
But Marv then you get smacked with a court date, and charged for assault…:stuck_out_tongue:

they would never know where it came from

yesterday at work…

Today’s piece…

the second to the last reminds me of Xellos from Slayers… and Piros from .Hack//Infection

The second ones hair reminds me of Rei’s hair…:slight_smile:

the second one reminds me of He-man

Sorry Marv just don’t see it…