Five Word Conversation, Good Luck

Finals suck ass, drop out :wink:

I’d rather pass, no doubt!

i have to program something

Same here, but next year.

Same here, programming rocks though. :slight_smile:

Damn, I have to write.

Truth. I’ve a raging paper.

Rage against the machine KBV

Can do.

Damn you, toaster!

Wow… 61 pages and counting!

How’s that related to Tang?

Failure is not an option :smiley:

I must not fail!


That “dude” saved the day!

programming is just like writing.

I prefer a good novel.

What about studying day & night?

One Must Fail: Battletests


Robots, fighting, Kressaks, oh my!

Omg R4ven I Lub J00